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How to Unify all of your Commerce channels
Unified Commerce offers a consistent online & offline experiences on a single platform and allows the customer to seamlessly browse and transact across channels. Products and services can be acquired through a multitude of methods like in-store shopping, Click&Collect, ship-to-store, home delivery or service scheduling.

Spryker scored highest for overall growth of any vendor in this Magic Quadrant, with both customer and revenue growth nearing 100%, [...] and is a leading product in terms of business agility.”
Unified Commerce
How is Spryker Supporting Unified Commerce?
Spryker embraces Unified Commerce and has built a unique solution for Click&Collect as well as delivery shopping with our mobile responsive online-shop and a mobile app. Our existing functionalities have been extended to fit the Unified Commerce use cases. Spryker Cloud Commerce OS has been designed around the way stores operate with multiple regions and branches which can differ in product offerings, stock levels or prices.

Customer Case
Globus launches Curbside Pickup in 14 Days
With its Curbside Pickup offering, Globus was well-positioned to meet the challenges of a lockdown. However, when the partner filed for insolvency, the hypermarket operator faced a short-term setback. Learn more how Globus launched a new Curbside Pickup Solution with Sprker in 14 days.

Ricoh ist ein globaler Anbieter von Technologie für die Transformation von Geschäftsprozessen und Informationsmanagement. Mit Spryker hat Ricoh eine digitale Renewal-Plattform für seine B2B-Kunden gebaut. -
Ricoh is a global provider of business process transformation and information management technology. With Spryker, Ricoh built a digital renewal platform for its B2B customers. -
With more than 6,500 stores in 11 countries, Aldi Süd is one of the largest discount retail chains in the world and relies on Spryker for its digital commerce. -
Mit mehr als 6.500 Filialen in 11 Ländern ist Aldi Süd eine der größten Discount-EInzelhandelsketten der Welt und setzt im digitalen Commerce auf Spryker. -
Toyota baut mit Spryker eine B2B2C Plattform für seine Händler. Das CVP, Corona Viable Product, hat eine rekordträchtige Time-to-Market von nur 3 Wochen. -
Toyota built a B2B2C platform for its dealers with Spryker. The CVP, Corona Viable Product