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We offer two types of newsletters to our partners. Take your chance and register for one or both newsletters: The regular Patner Newsletter and/or our Product Release Notes.
Regular Partner Newsletter
What do You Get When You Sign Up?
In our regular newsletter we cover all exciting news from the Spryker universe for Sales, Marketing and Partner Management people.

Product Release Newsletter
Stay Up-to-date With Spryker Products
Our Product Release Newsletter covers more technical and product related news for product managers, developers and everyone interested in Spryker’s product development. Due to the nature of the Spryker Commerce OS, we have Product Releases every several months. Every Product Release has its own version. The release notes contain the respective release version in their names. The Product Release code is stored in the B2B Demo Shop repository and B2C Demo Shop repository.
For more information about our release process, see: Spryker Release Process.

Register here for our product release newsletter.