12 growth strategies for e-commerce 12 growth strategies for e-commerce

12 E-Commerce Growth Strategies for 2022

Learn about the top e-commerce growth strategies to ensure your business is one step ahead of the curve in 2022.

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White Paper Overview

Whether you're looking for a business strategy or a technical one, B2C or B2B, simple or complex - these 12 top growth strategies for 2022 will ensure that your e-commerce business comes out on top.

Learn about growth strategies such as

Mastering marketplaces

Selling direct-to-consumer

Disrupting your business model

Leveraging social shopping

This white paper is for you if you

Want to grow

Beat the competition

Have an agile mindset

Plan to future-proof your business

Reading sample

The Status Quo of E-Commerce Growth

These numbers highlight that e-commerce is indeed booming, and that it’s happening on a global playing field. Digitization is no longer purely a B2C game. B2B is increasingly getting in on the action – and experiencing huge returns. 

The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the industry by a decade in just 3 months, what McKinsey coined “the quickening”. This means e-commerce businesses, no matter their field, must be willing to adapt quickly and embrace new technologies if they want to stay competitive. 

In this white paper, we cover 12 growth strategies that will help your business innovate, penetrate new markets, test and adopt new business models, and ultimately, leverage available and ever-evolving e-commerce technologies.

12 growth strategies for e-commerce